The Superstitions in Taiwan

There are many superstitions in Taiwan, and I will introduce three of them in this article.

First one, you should knock the door before you enter a hotel room, people in Taiwan believe there are ghosts living in some of the hotel rooms, and you should knock the door and tell them “Excuse me, I am coming in and I will just stay for two days”, before you enter a hotel room, then they will not scare you.

ノックのイラスト(女性) | かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや

Second one, you can’t give your friend a clock as a gift, because” Giving someone a clock “ is called “Song Zhong” in Mandarin, and it has the same pronunciation of the word “bury people and say goodbye to them”, so it makes people feel uncomfortable when they receive a clock as a gift.

The last one is my favorite one, put a “Guai guai” cookies on your machine, “Guai guai “ is one of Taiwanese cookies, and the name of it means “be good” , if your machine is always broken and can’t be fixed all the time, you should put a “Guai guai “ on it and make sure the machine will be good and won’t broken again, and be  careful you need to pick up the coconut flavor with the green cover, because the green light means safe that will keep the machine running and everything will be good.

The BBC also introduce this superstitions:

